Daily prompt

Where have our summers gone…??

<a href=”https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/youth/”>Youth</a&gt; Today has been another one of those days. Windy, rainy, cold and grey…  Is it really too much to hope for sunshine and warm temperatures in August?  When I was young, I remember vividly how the summer holidays would stretch out for what seemed like months. I would be out playing all day… Continue reading Where have our summers gone…??

Daily prompt · Short story

Obsessed? I think not…

Obsessed Obsessed?? My dear fellow, a lady of my social standing simply does not become ‘obsessed‘…  One might say that I am prideful of my heritage, of the legacy that my ancestors have worked hard to provide. As sole successor of my family dynasty, it is my responsibility to ensure that the respect which my family name demands is… Continue reading Obsessed? I think not…

eBay Tips

Creating space while making cash: eBay tips to come up trumps…

So, this week I have been on annual leave. As well as spending time with the children, planning and organising fun (and inexpensive where I can) outings, I have assigned myself some much-needed tasks around the home. I have (as I mentioned earlier, see I have a secret…) rather a lot of clutter in my… Continue reading Creating space while making cash: eBay tips to come up trumps…